Here’s what 26% of property practitioners are resolving to do in 2023
If you’ve made New Year's resolutions, the start of the year is an exciting and hopeful time. It’s the chance to work on new goals and improve — bit by bit. In the real estate industry, that can be anything from self-care, closing more sales, to learning new skills. To find out more, Prop Data ran a poll to find out what property practitioners have in mind for 2023. Here are the results, with expert insight and advice on turning those intentions into achievements.
Unpacking the resolution poll results
In November 2022, Prop Data polled property practitioners on their resolutions for 2023. The results found:
26% will prioritise their well-being.
23% will do more networking.
21% will try new sales tactics.
16% will learn a new skill.
14% will improve their clients’ experience.
According to Gerhard Kotzé, Managing Director at RealNet Properties, the poll results are well in line with his expectations for the industry. “These results are to be expected and easily predictable in a post-COVID-19 landscape,” he says. “General well-being, self-care, mental health, and balance have gained a lot of support and momentum during COVID-19 as the pandemic forced people to re-evaluate what is truly important and how your mental well-being affects your day-to-day life.”
Getting to grips with the daily grind
Stress is a common part of many careers, but it can be especially pronounced in a high-pressure position as a property practitioner. From tough deadlines, demanding clients, erratic hours, and a fluctuating income, this is a path where only the truly determined and talented survive. However, in the pursuit of professionalism and staying ahead of the competition, practitioners can struggle with anxiety and burnout.
“The real estate industry, as with many other industries, is generally always stressful, but does have variations in intensity,” observes Kotzé. “This is not necessarily related to the increase in prioritising well-being. In the post-COVID-19 ‘new normal’ it is no surprise that property practitioners are prioritising their well-being, as they, and everyone else, should be. COVID-19 gave people a new outlook on life and recalibrated what they prioritise, and therefore directly influenced how the world now takes care of themselves.”
Resolve to take time out
Being on call, chasing leads, and pleasing clients can dull the shine of even the best performers in the field. And while there’s no way to completely avoid stress, there’s a lot you can do to manage it effectively — as most practitioners are aiming to do according to the poll.
“Financial security directly influences your general well-being and ability to take care of yourself,” says Kotzé. “In times of uncertainty, it is imperative to clear your mind, reset, and focus on executing the fundamentals of the real estate business extremely well, i.e. prospecting, sourcing listings, connecting clients, and closing sales.”
On a personal level, you can choose to work in some me-time into your schedule for that which brings you joy. Whether it’s spending more time with the family, having a nap, meditating, or listening to music, do what gives you some respite during a busy day.
Resolve to mix with the right people
In the fast-paced world of real estate, true professionals make their own luck and open their doors. How? Through networking, they build their circle of potential clients, promote their services, and even learn a thing or ten from the experiences of others. Coming in as the second choice in the poll, Kotzé says these enterprising practitioners can do much to put themselves out there.
“Be as visible as possible and remember that every interaction you have is a form of personal branding and advertising,” he points out. “Work on becoming a known name and face in your local community by participating and being involved in all your communities’ events, initiatives, clubs, and schools. Proudly advertise your brand by wearing your name badge, branding your car, having frequent roadshows in your area, and telling everyone you meet who you are and what you do for a living.”
Resolve to sell smarter, not harder
Success in sales comes from building a strong connection between yourself and potential clients. It takes several sales techniques to create this relationship and nurture it until it delivers. As the third most popular resolution, practitioners are aiming to make the year one for the books. It can happen with smart groundwork, says Kotzé.
“Don’t get stuck behind your computer or sidetracked by all the new tech,” he advises. “Focus on sourcing listings and connecting those listings with the right clients and the rest will follow. It is also crucial to be part of a company that can help you with the time-consuming administrative necessities, has qualified and knowledgeable support staff, and industry-leading systems that can help you focus on using your skills and talents to sell property.”
Here’s to your success this year
2023’s resolutions speak to practitioners’ resilience and commitment to being the best versions of themselves. With these helpful tips, you’re sure to continue to grow and fulfil your potential. Here are even more resources to keep the ball rolling:
• Build your business with Prop Data’s add-ons
• Grow with Prop Data’s Knowledge blog
• Upskill with Prop Data’s course
• Open your mind with Prop Data’s webinars